Health News
Success Story: Surgery for Urinary Incontinence
Surgical mesh slings appear to be an effective way to treat urinary incontinence in women — despite past concerns.
Help for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Many women have cramps or irritability in the days leading up to their periods. For some women, however, things can get a whole lot worse. But one treatment may help.
Atrial Fibrillation: What Women Need to Know
Heart rhythm disorders affect more than 2 million Americans. The most common of these disorders is atrial fibrillation (AFib) — and it may affect women differently than men.
Growth Hormone May Protect Bones
Women who want to give their bones a break may now have another tool in the toolbox.
Fertility Concerns for Breast Cancer Rx
Young breast cancer patients commonly have fertility concerns, and those concerns may affect their decisions about treatment.

How to Get Your Body Ready for Baby
So you've decided to take the plunge into parenthood? That’s great! But wait just a second. To give yourself the best chance for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, there are some important things you need to do before you head down the road to conception.
Prenatal Test May Detect Cancer in Mom
Killing two birds with one stone can be a great thing — especially when it comes to prenatal testing.
Are Antidepressants Safe During Pregnancy?
The question of whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy is an intimate and complicated one. But if you're pregnant (or trying to be) and you have depression, you may want to consider the risks.
What a Stillbirth Might Mean for Future Pregnancies
Stillbirth rates have declined in many developed countries, and that’s very good news. Unfortunately, one stillbirth may increase the chances of another one later on.
The Connection Between C-Sections and Autism
Babies born via cesarean section (C-section) may face a raised risk of autism, but that doesn't necessarily mean the C-section caused this raised risk.