Health News
Detecting Birth Defects on the Horizon
Doctors may soon be able to screen for a disorder with potentially fatal heart problems, giving doctors a better opportunity to immediately treat babies born with the condition.
Fight Menopause With a Strong Heart
Menopause, which is the end of menstruation and fertility, causes many changes in a women’s health. A new study shows that a hormone may help fight age-related arterial stiffness, a condition that’s associated with menopause.
RA and Lupus Reduce Fertility
Living with an autoimmune disease poses many problems for women. For women who are diagnosed during their reproductive years, it may affect your childbearing choices and your ability to have a baby.
Only 15% of Males use Condoms
Young adults may not want to have children, but that doesn't seem to be affecting whether or not they use protection during sex.
A Pregnant Woman's Best Friend
Gaining too much extra weight while pregnant can cause problems for mother and baby alike. One solution might be to bring in a third party - a dog.
Birth Control Shots And Dental Health
The convenience of a hormone birth control injection like Depo-Provera may be offset by increasing your risk of red, swollen or diseased gums.
Is Ginger Safe for Expectant Mothers?
Though ginger may be popular and effective for stopping nausea and vomiting, that doesn’t mean it’s good for morning sickness – it could be dangerous for some pregnant women.
Expectant Moms: Avoid the Heavy Metal
If you're expecting, it's worth investing in a lead inspection of your home. A recent study revealed that inspections before a baby's birth reduce the likelihood they'll get lead poisoning.
Babies Can Arrive on Time, Day or Night
Moms have one less thing to worry about for giving birth - whether the time or day matters. Day or night, weekday or weekend, their babies will get the same quality of care regardless.
Breasts Battle Childhood Obesity
Children born to women with diabetes are more likely to be obese, but one way moms can reduce this risk is to breastfeed their babies. And the pattern is true for non-diabetics too.