Health News

When to Schedule Your C Section
Women who have had one cesarean section and are planning another should aim for delivering after 39 weeks of pregnancy according to a new study.
Hispanic Women at Risk of Early Delivery
Pregnant women should watch for signs of early labor. And if you’re Hispanic, you should take extra care: A new study says that Hispanic-Americans are at greater risk of preterm delivery. 
Breast is Best - But So is Planning
Even for mothers who planned to breastfeed longer, the ones who planned to get pregnant had an easier time with nursing than those whose babies were surprises.
All Hail Cesarean Sections?
Women who have had one child by cesarean section have to decide for their next pregnancy how they'll give birth: another C section or attempt a vaginal delivery?
Induced Labor Not Safer
If your water breaks before you're in labor or due to give birth, infection risk for your baby is low, and the best course of action may be to just wait it out under a doctor's observation.
Getting to the First Birthday
Preemies with low birth weights have a higher risk of dying before age 1, but researchers haven't known the risk factors affecting the babies' survival after they leave the NICU .
Preemies Can Safely Arrive Both Ways
When extra tiny ones are arriving early in the world, it's not necessarily safer for them to be delivered by c-section instead of a vaginal birth.
New Hope for Premature Babies
When pregnant women are at risk for having a premature birth, prenatal steroids appear to help. The steroids seem to improve survival rate and limit brain injury in infants born as early as 23 weeks of pregnancy.
Risky Business: Diabetic and Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, women should make sure that they are in good health. An unhealthy mother is more likely to have an unhealthy baby. This may be especially true for women with diabetes.
Stroke Risk Prediction for Women
Certain factors have been traditionally used for predicting the risk for stroke, such as high cholesterol. But these factors may not be very accurate in predicting stroke risk for postmenopausal women.