Health News
Even Your Metabolism Knows When You Quit
The human body can begin repairing the damage caused by smoking as soon as a person quits, even later in life. It really is never too late to quit.
Genes Don’t Trigger Smoking Habits
Having genes linked to a smoking addiction does not predict a future smoker. Keeping cigarettes away from minors and supporting adults in quitting is what matters.
Quit Smoking and Enjoy That New Hip
Total hip replacement and smoking cigarettes just don’t mix. That's because smoking can cramp the healing process. Even quitting just before surgery is better than not quitting at all.
Beat Back Pain by Quitting Smoking
There are a lot of obvious reasons to quit smoking. But a lesser known reason to quit may be to help with back pain during treatment for spine issues.
Smoking is Bad to the Bone
The body is designed to heal after breaking a bone. But it may not be designed to heal a broken bone while processing cigarette smoke and nicotine.
Live Longer, Avoid Accidents
The top causes of death in the US for people under 50 are not from disease. Extra caution while driving, saying no to drugs and leading a healthy lifestyle could go a long way to keep a person alive.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Your Right To Breathe Healthy
You may feel a little timid to ask people not to smoke around you. But asking for your right to breathe fresh air could have an important impact on your health.
Urinary Tract Cancer Likes Heavy Smokers
Smoking cigarettes has been linked to a number of cancers and usually the risk for men and women are similar. But, with cancer in the urinary tract tissue, women seem to take the blow.
Breathing Heavy
Overweight or obese people undergoing a lung transplant may have increased risk for complications. Lung donors that smoked can hurt the odds too, but don’t refuse their lungs so quickly.