Health News

When Smoke Comes Out the Ears
Most people associate health problems from smoking with the lungs. But smoking is linked to other health issues as well, like hearing loss — even for babies exposed in the womb.
Smoking Signals Big Surgery Risks
Surgery tends to make the body weaker and more vulnerable. So before being wheeled into the operating room, it's advisable to be in the best possible health.
Kick the Habit Before Brain Surgery
Any time is a great time to quit smoking. But quitting before having brain or spine surgery might be essential to a successful surgery and a healthy recovery.
Combining Healthy Strategies
We know we are supposed to make healthy lifestyle choices. But how much of an effect do choices like diet, exercise and non-smoking really have on our lifespan?
Quit Smoking Rx Helped Heavy Drinkers
A prescription used to help people quit smoking may also help people with alcohol dependence. The medication had side effects, but the benefits may outweigh the negatives.
Smoking Hurts The Pancreas Too
Everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer. But there are many other less known ill effects being investigated, adding to the list of reasons to ditch the habit.
When Babies Are Forced to Smoke
Some babies may be more likely than others to develop respiratory infections. This is especially true of babies prone to allergies. Secondhand smoke can make the situation worse.
World No Tobacco Day
May 31 is World No Tobacco Day. The World Health Organization believes that everyone has the right to the highest standard of health, which can improve by reducing smoking rates.
Smoking Aids Do Help Quitting
Not everyone is able to quit smoking cold turkey, and that’s okay. There are several available types of quit smoking aids that have been proven to work over the years.
Having “The Talk” with Teens
Parents may feel that what they say to their kids goes in one ear and out the other. But parents may have more influence than they think when it comes to talking with their teens about alcohol and drug use.