Health News
Minty Fresh But Still a Killer
Don’t let the minty taste fool you. Menthol cigarettes have a cooling flavor which makes them easier to start smoking and more difficult to quit, according to the FDA.
Medical Help to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Some medical treatments have been shown to help.
Practicing Moderation to Stay Sharp
Aging is a fact of life, but you may have some control over how quickly it happens. Turns out heavy drinking and smoking may speed up aging of the mind.
Smoking Loses Ground Among Teens
When it comes to smoking, teens have been making better choices recently than in years past. Since most smokers start when they’re teens, this decline points to healthy futures.
Another Reason Not to Light Up, Mom
It's well understood that women should not smoke while pregnant. Yet some women find it difficult to quit. Knowing some of the long-term effects may offer an extra motivational boost.
No More Piles of Cigarette Butts
Many public parks and beaches no longer permit smoking. Reducing cigarette butt litter might be the greatest unexpected benefit of these smoking bans.
Got to Quit to Live Longer
When it comes to food and alcohol the phrase "everything in moderation" may apply. But when it comes to smoking, simply cutting back may not be enough.
A Safer Heart After Kicking the Habit
Breaking the tobacco habit is a sensible goal of many smokers. Meeting that target has clear payoffs. For some, including older women, it also may raise concerns about weight gain.
Verdict on E-Cigs Still Out
Quitting smoking can be extremely difficult. There may be a slight possibility that an electronic cigarette could help smokers wean off the habit, but long-term risks are still unknown.
Smoking on the Decline in America
There is good news on the smoking front: adults in America have been saying no to smoking more and more over the years.