Health News
Social Sites Support Quitting Smokers
Quitting smoking is a challenge for most people. But getting involved with a smoking cessation group online may help support folks as they try to kick the habit.
Where Teens Get Smokes and Booze
It’s illegal to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors, but many underage youths get ahold of these substances anyway. It may be that friends and family are providing access.
Blood Clots More Common in Smokers
Smokers may face a number of serious health problems, including a higher risk for blood clots in the legs.
Pregnancy, Asthma & Smoking: A Dangerous Threesome
Most pregnant women know that it's not wise to smoke while pregnant because of the possible effects on their unborn baby. Not smoking is even more important for asthmatic pregnant women.
Increasing Quality of Life in the US
While there are a number of public health issues that still need to be fixed, there are signs that our overall health and quality of life is improving.
Soothing Cigarette Habit Hard to Break
Many smokers will say that their habit soothes them, even if they are trying to quit. Depression is one problem from which some smokers are seeking relief.
Electronic Cigarettes or the Patch?
Electronic cigarettes have become very popular lately. But will they help you quit smoking?
Thousands of Americans Kicking the Habit
Quitting smoking can be one of the best decisions a person can make, but convincing someone to kick the habit can be hard. A national campaign has figured out some new ways to approach the problem.
E-Cigs Popular Among Young Students
Most smokers pick up the habit when they are teenagers. And regular tobacco cigarettes may not be the only thing teens are smoking. Now, electronic cigarettes appear to be attracting young students at a faster pace each year.
Facebook Friends May Foster Risky Behavior
In the age of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, peer pressure can take on a whole new meaning. Kids might be influenced by friends at school and social events — or by what they see posted online.