Health News

More C-Sections for Overweight Moms
Women are supposed to gain weight during a healthy pregnancy. But weighing too much at the start or gaining too much weight during pregnancy may increase certain risks.
Strong Acne Meds Okay for Gastro Tract
When birth control pills can't clear up acne in women, a stronger medicine is the next step. But doctors and patients have been concerned about a few of these medicines and their possible links to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
What Older Expectant Moms Can Expect
More women are waiting to have children until they are in their 30s. However, it's not clear if the experience of giving birth differs among older and younger pregnant women.
First Baby Cured of HIV
The first documented case of a child being cured of HIV was announced this morning. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Approximately 1,000 children worldwide are infected each day with HIV.
Handling the Anxiety of a New Baby
Awareness about postpartum depression has grown over the past several decades. Women are realizing they are not alone and can seek help. But fewer are aware of postpartum anxiety.
Bladder and Uterus to Blame in Pelvic Pain
When a woman's bladder and uterus are both acting up, the two can go hand-in-hand to cause pain.
Medicine Approved to Ease Painful Sex
Pain during sex can be a problem for the 32 million post-menopausal women across the United States. A new medicine could ease the pain.
Little Babies May Mean Little Siblings
A small percentage of babies are born very small for their age in pregnancy weeks. It may help doctors prepare for a birth if they know a woman is likely to have a very small baby.
Understanding Prader-Willi Syndrome
Some genetic diseases may be very rare, but knowing they exist may help the individuals who have them get medical attention sooner. One such disease is Prader-Willi syndrome.
More Iron, Less PMS
Iron can reduce fatigue and prevent anemia. Now, women may have another reason to add more of the mineral to their diet: to ease PMS symptoms.