Health News

Obesity Weighs Down Pregnancy Outcomes
Being overweight can be a burden for an expectant mother. When it comes to labor and delivery, that extra weight can cause certain complications for both the mother and child.
Nausea Medicine Okay for Expecting Moms
Some women take medication for severe morning sickness. But it is sometimes difficult to gather enough information to know if medicines are always safe enough for unborn babies.
Hormone and Mood Meds Don't Butt Heads
Hormones are often to blame when women's moods are swinging. With medicines to balance hormones and stabilize mood, new research suggests it's okay to combine the two.
"Laborist" Hospitals Produce Results
Many hospital labor and delivery units have staff on the floor on an as-needed basis. Others employ a new model of round-the-clock staffing. There may be good reason for the new model.
The Little Kids Eventually Catch Up
Some babies don't grow as quickly as they should. This is called "failure to thrive." The important question is whether these babies ever catch up to other kids.
The Risks for Babies Born to Alcoholics
Alcohol and pregnancy don't mix. And neither does alcoholism and a baby's first year of life. Mothers who don't have alcohol problems are much more likely to see their babies grow up.
Robotic Surgery Seems Safe But Pricey
Robot technology is being used in surgical settings, but can cost a pretty penny. If two surgeries are equally safe, the less expensive procedure may be best.
Moms in the Military Doing All Right
Deploying overseas in the military can be stressful for any soldier. So one could imagine it may be even rougher for women who deploy after having a baby.
Mom’s Inflammation Linked to Autism
Past research has shown that autism risk was higher when mothers were sick during pregnancy. New research sheds some light on how illness might be affecting autism risk.
Smoke-Free Air Helps Prevent Preemies
Cigarette smoke and unborn babies don’t mix. Pregnant moms may be able to control secondhand smoke exposure at home. But in public places, smoking bans are the only protection.