Health News
Blood's Gone Hormonal
For most women, taking birth control pills is generally safe, and may even provide some protective benefits. However, there is a known risk that "the pill" can cause blood clots, especially in smokers. Is there an impact on women with an ovarian condition?
Feeling Blue… While Pregnant
Pregnant women with depression have tough choices to make. Do they treat the depression with medication or skip the meds? How might either choice affect their baby?
When Babies' Oxygen Runs Low
A number of pregnancy conditions can restrict the flow of oxygen to the baby. Researchers are learning more about how these conditions might affect children later on.
Pumping Up Tiny Newborns' Iron
The smallest newborns are often at risk for bigger health problems. Underweight babies are more likely to have behavioral issues later in life. But new research indicates boosting their iron levels may help.
Mama's Diet Shapes Kid's Diabetes Risk
A pregnant mother's diet plays a key role in her child's development and health. If you are pregnant, eating an unhealthy diet could boost your child's chances of developing diabetes.
Secondhand Smoke and the Unborn Baby
So it's pretty clear that smoking while pregnant is a bad idea. But what if it's just those around you who are smoking? Does that affect unborn babies too? Possibly.
Ladies with Lupus Skipping Paps
For women under 30, yearly screening is one of the best ways to detect cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many women with lupus - a condition linked to cervical problems - may be skipping out on screening.
And This Little Sperm Went… Where?
As the world around us continues changing, what's going on inside us can change too. Changes in the environment may play a part in long-term decline in French men's sperm quality.
Every Week Counts – in the Womb
A single week out of the year may not seem like a big deal - unless you're a tiny human waiting to greet the world. For preemies, every week counts.
More Itsy Bitsy Teenie Babies Survive
Modern medicine is improving all the time through research and technology. But it cannot always address every problem – especially with extremely young preemies.