Health News
Hypnotize Away Hot Flashes
Women who don't want to take hormones have limited options in controlling hot flashes for menopause. But one option doesn't involve drugs at all.
Move Aside Milk, Alcohol May Help Bone Loss
While the apple can keep the doctor away, alcohol may help keep bones from going away. Researchers say if middle-aged women drink a glass or two of alcohol each day, their bones may be stronger.
Watch For These 5 Factors Before HRT
Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most popular and effective treatments for the symptoms of menopause. But it has been plagued by conflicting information about its risks.
Problem of Lupus During Pregnancy
When a woman becomes pregnant, she must be careful about what she puts in her body. If a pregnant woman is taking medications for a disease, she should know how those medications may affect her pregnancy.
Alcohol and Little Brains Don't Mix
Most women know they are advised not to drink during pregnancy. They may not realize how much drinking while pregnant can deeply affect children's brains even years later.
Weight Goes Up With Menopause
Hot flashes are just part of the transition in middle-aged women as they hit menopause.
One C Section, Two, Three and Four
Having five or more children may not be a common occurrence, but if they were all born by C section, moms should take note. Their risk of birth complications are higher.
Surgery Doesn’t End All Pelvic Problems
Women who may have a urinary tract infection ( UTI ) on the day of surgery for their pelvic floor disorder are likely to have another UTI in the first six weeks after the procedure, a new study has found.
Trying for a Baby Takes a Toll
A couple struggling with fertility will often go through a lot to have a baby. But fertility treatments can sometimes negatively affect the most basic part of the process — sex.
Counting the Ways Kids Could Grow Obese
Many factors influence individuals' weight. The same is true for children. Preventing obesity is easier when we know what factors increase a baby's risk of becoming overweight.