Health News
Newborns Rooming With Momma
Many hospitals still keep a baby in the nursery while moms recuperate in the days after giving birth. More and more, however, are having the baby "room in" with mom.
What Kangaroo Care Does for Your Preemie
Humans can learn a lot from kangaroos. In fact, they already have, at least when it comes to giving birth to tiny preemies.
Preemies' Later Pregnancies Higher Risk
Researchers already knew that women born underweight are at a higher risk for various health issues. But what about preemies who aren't underweight?
SimplyThick Risky for Babies
Warnings about the use of a product called SimplyThick for children have been expanded by the FDA. Parents should talk to a doctor before giving it to infants.
Head-First Preemie Birth Okay Either Way
One of the considerations in delivering an extremely early baby is how the baby will be born. Vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections each carry their own risks.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
You KAN-DO It!
It's easier for preschoolers to eat well when families have the tools to think about good nutrition. Moms were able to do so with the KAN-DO program.
Is He Really Mr. Right?
Is it normal to have doubts before you get married, or could it be a sign of things to come?
Alcohol Slows Unborn Babies' Learning
Many studies have looked at differences in children whose mothers drank while pregnant compared to kids whose moms didn't. But what about differences before the babies are even born?
Expectant Moms Need Fresh Air
If taking a breath of "fresh air" outside your door means inhaling exhaust, you might want to head to outlying parks more often during your pregnancy.