Health News
Weight Loss for Postmenopausal Women
As a person ages and the metabolism slows down, it can be more difficult to lose weight. Women past menopause can use strategies to shed the extra pounds though.
Multiple Risk Factors Linked to Preemies
Marijuana is often thought of as a drug that causes relatively little harm compared to other street drugs. But that may not be the case if you're carrying a little one to term.
Pregnant Women Still Drinking Too Much
Despite years of warnings to expecting mothers, an estimated 1 percent of all babies born in the US have symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Growing Resistance to Gonorrhea Treatment
Do you have multiple sex partners? Or are you at risk for other sexually transmitted diseases (STD)? It’s important to seek treatment if you have gonorrhea immediately.
When Did Your Child Engage in Sex?
A fear held by many parents is that their adolescent will become sexually active at an early age. Here's good news: Being an involved parent can make a difference, says new research.
Does Dad's Job Matter to Baby's Health?
The world is filled with various chemicals and substances that don't occur naturally in the environment. Scientists are continually trying to understand how these affect human health.
Birth Defects May Be Linked to Solvents
Some jobs expose employees to a class of chemicals called chlorinated solvents, which are in many degreasers, cleaning products, paint thinners, pesticides, glues and similar products.
Bigger Baby Means Bigger Cancer Risk - EMBARGOED 17-Jul-2012 4pm CST
Most research related to a baby's birth weight focuses on how a baby's size may impact his or her long-term health but a baby's size also has implications for the mother's' health.
Screening for Diabetes During Pregnancy
Avoiding complications of pregnancy can be hard, especially if diabetes is involved. But doctors have a much better chance of preventing complications if they can properly diagnose diabetes during pregnancy.
Good News About US Children
Ready for some good news about kids today? An annual federal report on children's well-being in the US has a lot of it, from birth outcomes to school performance to deaths.