Health News

Testing the Thyroid During Pregnancy
In the midst of all the tests and check-ups that women undergo during their pregnancies, women may want to ensure that their thyroid is tested early in pregnancy, or even before they become pregnant.
Smoking Leads to Deadly Pregnancies
It's no surprise that smoking is harmful to a pregnant woman's fetus. But smoking can also increase the risk of a woman experiencing a dangerous kind of pregnancy in the first place.
Hormones Boosts Prediabetes Risk
Your body is complex. One problematic organ can affect an entirely different organ or system. If you let one disease run its course, you may be faced with another health problem, then another.
Too Much Coffee Disrupts Fertility
If you're trying to have a baby with fertility treatments, there's no reason to skip your morning cup of coffee...but keep the refills to a minimum.
Can Too Much Fat Damage Your Eggs?
Women undergoing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) should be aware that their diet may affect their eggs. 
Putting Your Eggs on Ice
The process of in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) involves a series of complex steps to coax a woman's body to produce extra eggs for fertilization and implantation.
Being Unable to Conceive
The stress of dealing with infertility take both a physical and emotional toll on women's bodies. Now, there's evidence that this stress can lead to mental health conditions as well.
What Cat Litter & Suicide Have in Common
Among the various things pregnant women generally should avoid is changing kitty litter, which may seem oddly random in a list with alcohol, undercooked meat, soft cheeses and smoking.
Mental Health Meds During Pregnancy
Taking medications during pregnancy is an important decision for a woman. It requires a risk-benefit analysis regarding the value of the drug for the mother versus the possible effects on the fetus.
Hard Work When Carrying a Baby
While a certain amount of physical activity is healthy during pregnancy, women have to be careful not to overexert themselves. Finding that line can be tough in a demanding job.