Health News

Diabetes Rx May Offer Weight Loss Bonus
If you're a type 2 diabetes patient trying to lose weight, the medication you take could make a difference.
First Women's Libido Rx Gets Green Light
The first-ever treatment for a sexual desire disorder just got a nod of approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — but it came with a warning.
When Anticoagulants Go Head-to-Head
When two medications have the same effect, a head-to-head trial is often the best way to see which one is more effective.
How E-Cigs Could Be a Gateway
Some say electronic cigarettes may be less harmful than conventional cigarettes. But they may have serious health consequences among teens.
What Aspirin Might Do for Obese Patients
Being obese can put patients at greater risk for many conditions, including some types of cancer. But for some, taking a common over-the-counter medication may reduce this increased risk.
Chickenpox Vaccine Continues to Save Lives
Fewer itchy rashes and missed school days may only be a few of the benefits of the chickenpox vaccine.
Southern Diet, You’re Giving Me a Heart Attack
Your mouth may like fried chicken and gravy, buttered rolls and sweet tea, but what about your heart?
Opioid Pain Rx Approved for Kids
A powerful medication used for severe, chronic pain in adults just got the green light for use in kids.
Detailing the True Risks of Eye Injections
If you hear about a treatment causing blindness, you're likely to opt for another one — even if it costs you much more. But in the case of two eye injections, a reported blindness risk might have been overblown.
Walk Your Way to Heart Health
If Goldilocks took her love of moderation all the way to exercise, she might have discovered that her heart was "just right."