Health News

What ED May Mean for Diabetes Risk
It can be awkward to talk to your doctor about your sex life. But, for many men, problems in the bedroom can be a warning sign for another serious health problem.
This Psoriasis Rx May Improve Diabetes Treatment
For type 1 diabetes patients, daily insulin injections are a lifelong commitment. But these patients may soon be able to better manage their disease — with the help of a medication used to treat psoriasis.
Prenatal Test May Detect Cancer in Mom
Killing two birds with one stone can be a great thing — especially when it comes to prenatal testing.
Aging Well: Why Older May Be Better
Having the time of your life may be easier if you’re over 55. At least, that’s the finding from a recent Gallup-Healthways survey.
The More Exercise, The Better For Older Women
For most people, slimming down can lower the risk for many conditions. But, for postmenopausal women, maintaining a healthy weight may be especially important.
What Pumping Iron Could Do for Men's Bones
For men, losing some bone mass as they age is natural. But that doesn't necessarily mean they can't slow it down — and possibly reduce their risk for conditions like osteoporosis in the process.
Ulcerative Colitis: Surgery May Be the Best Choice
Sometimes going under the knife can be a good thing.
Teen Athletes Feel the Pinch of Tommy John Surgery
When it comes to high school and college sports, young athletes who wind up too often on the field may also wind up in the surgical room.
Check Your Fruit and Veggie Intake
Remember how mom always told you to eat your veggies? Turns out many adults didn’t listen.
Procedure May Help Older Athletes Get Back in the Game
It can be easy to assume that aging means the end of exercise — especially when an injury is involved. But one surgery may help some older athletes get back in the game.