Health News

How Early Surgery Might Help Some Heart Patients
If your ticker has a leaky valve, it may be better to be an early bird when it comes to surgery.
The US Boozing Habit
Many people enjoy a drink on occasion to unwind or celebrate, but drinking to excess regularly may be a sign to seek help for an alcohol disorder.
New Numbers on America's Most Common Cancer
The sun's rays may give you that healthy glow — but below the surface, there may be serious health risks.
Early Breast Cancer Surgery Timing Under Debate
As doctors become better and better at detecting breast cancer early, some question whether every early detection warrants early surgery. New evidence suggests that the answer to that question may depend on the type of breast cancer patients have.
Can Chantix Make a Comeback?
For many longtime smokers, quitting cold turkey is far from easy. But there may now be some good news for smokers looking to kick the habit.
Depression Rx Might Pose Smaller Risk in Moms-to-Be
Many moms-to-be who take antidepressants may assume that weaning themselves off their meds is the safest thing for their baby, but the truth may not be so simple.
Stand up for Your Health at Work
Eyeing that sit-stand desk at work? It may help curb the health risks of sitting all day.
What Babies Eat May Affect Leukemia Risk
Childhood cancer is rare, but it is still a leading health threat to children and adolescents — surpassed only by accidents. However, babies who are breastfed may be at a lower risk for developing one type of blood cancer in childhood.
Lung Cancer Rx Might Outperform Chemo
When you're sick, you may feel like the immune system is a weak tool for protecting the body. But new evidence is showing how medications might activate the immune system to treat a very serious illness — lung cancer.
How a Change to Breast Cancer Surgery Might Help Patients
When it comes to breast cancer surgery, a slightly wider scope may lead to better outcomes for patients.