Health News

Why Early HIV Treatment Matters
There may be some good news for HIV patients — starting medication immediately after diagnosis may help keep patients healthy longer.
Common Diabetes Rx Might Be a Sight-Saver
It’s always nice to get a clear view. One diabetes medication may help patients do just that.
Prevention Key as Cancer Rates Rise
You'd be hard-pressed to find a person who didn't know anyone affected by cancer. New evidence is highlighting just how widespread the disease is — and what can be done to stop it.
You May Want to Think Before You Ink
Tattoos have really gone mainstream in the last decade or so, but for some, tattoos can leave a long-lasting mark — in more ways than one.
Drinking May Harm Older Hearts
If you're over 65, you may want to consult your heart before you take that next sip.
When 'Good' Cholesterol Is Even Better
Good, better, best — when it comes to cholesterol, you want more of the good kind. But there may be an even better version of the good kind.
What Filling up on Fiber Might Do for Your Diabetes Risk
You often hear that vegetables, fruits and whole grains are healthy, and now new evidence is supporting this claim for a new reason — the fiber in these foods might help prevent a common and serious health problem.
What Women Need to Know About Blood Clots
Taking "the pill" has become a routine part of life for many women around the world. But that doesn't mean birth control pills are entirely without risk.
Mind Your Bones
Older adults are commonly prescribed drugs to strengthen their bones and combat injury. But these may be unnecessary when it comes to preventing one dangerous ailment.
Where You Live May Put Your Infant at Risk
Living on top of the world might not be so good for infants.