Health News

Not Just a Bump on the Head: Football and Concussion
Young athletes may face a risk of concussion more often than expected.
How Mindfulness Therapy Might Help Depression Patients
Antidepressants have long been the standard for treating depression. But mindfulness-based therapy might work just as well for some patients.
A Weighty Matter for Those Wanting to Get Pregnant
Losing weight may need to be a priority for heavier women who are thinking about getting pregnant.
How to Choose an Anticoagulant
If you need to take an anticoagulant — popularly known as a blood thinner — you don’t want it to cause bleeding, but some might raise your bleeding risk. 
How Drunk Driving Could Affect the Economy
Sober driving saves lives, and it may also save money — a lot of money.
New Asthma Rx Approved
Adult asthma patients will soon have a new treatment available to them.
Got Diabetes? Quit Smoking, but Take Care
If you smoke, quit! If you're a smoker who has diabetes, however, you may need to more closely monitor your blood sugar after you quit.
Some Skin Cancers Saw Spike
As awareness about the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer rises, the hope is that skin cancer rates will decrease. New evidence, however, suggests that rates may not be on the decline.
New Guidelines Tackle Cervical Cancer Overscreening
New guidelines may change many women's preventive health care routines — particularly when it comes to cervical cancer screening.
What Swapping Sweet for Unsweet May Do for Your Health
A decision as simple as whether to add sugar to your coffee could have a long-term impact on your risk for one chronic health condition.