Health News

Even a Few Smokes a Day Can Raise Your Risks
If you think smoking just a few cigarettes a day keeps you free from the many risks of smoking, you may want to think again.
E-Cigs Might Make It Harder to Kick the Habit
Many electronic cigarette fans tout the devices' ability to help people quit smoking conventional cigarettes. New evidence suggests, however, that e-cigarettes may not live up to the hype.
Teen E-Cig Use Spiked
Much progress has been made in recent years in the public health fight against cigarettes, but new evidence suggests that US teens might be picking up electronic cigarettes as fast as they are dropping traditional tobacco.
Sweet Stress Relief May Fuel Bad Habit
Downing a can of soda may provide some relief from a tension-filled day. But too much of a sweet thing can become an unhealthy habit.
Airplanes Above, Sound Sleepers Below
Surely those airplanes zooming overhead interfere with people's sleep, right? Perhaps surprisingly, this just doesn't seem to be the case.
How Bone Loss and Hearing Loss Might Be Linked
Osteoporosis may make you more likely to experience a surprising condition: hearing loss.
Breast Cancer and Hormone Therapy: An Evolving Relationship
When it comes to breast cancer risk, not all hormone therapies are created equal. While some may continue to increase the risk of cancer years after a patient stops taking the medications, others can decrease the odds of getting the disease.
A New Prostate Cancer Risk Factor
Obesity is behind a number of well-known heart health problems. In black men, it may also have a profound effect on cancer risk.
New Heart Failure Rx Approved
Heart failure patients may soon have a new treatment option.
How Poor Sleep Might Shape Later Mental Health
A poor night's sleep can affect performance at work the next day, but over time, could disrupted sleep affect brain function in a permanent way? New evidence suggests it could.