Health News

Drinking in Middle Age: Keep It Light
While drinking isn't all bad when it comes to your health, going overboard can be a problem. Too much alcohol in middle age may have some serious health effects.
New Blood Pressure Guidelines May Save Lives
New guidelines have raised blood pressure targets for some, but millions still have uncontrolled blood pressure. Increasing treatment to meet these new targets may save lives and money.
Bitter Health Effects from Added Sugars
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, as the saying goes — but the truth about sugar’s effect on health may actually be quite bitter.
What Your TV Habits May Say About Your Mental Health
Watching TV can be a great way to unwind after a hard day — but only in moderation. Watching too much TV may be a sign of depression.
The Power of Positive Expectations with Parkinson’s
The mind can be a powerful healer. If patients believe a medication will work, it may boost their health. And new evidence may support this “placebo effect.”
The Gift of Life: Transplants Save Many, More Still Needed
Organ transplants have been saving lives for years. And as the need for transplants grows, so does the need for donors.
Growing up Early with Sugar-Sweetened Drinks
Girls are becoming women at younger ages, and sugar-sweetened beverages might be playing a role.
Can't Sleep and Can't Relax? The Heart Might Be at Risk
Struggling to fall asleep or relax may do more than cause damage at work or home — it could damage the heart.
Testosterone and Men’s Health: Controversy Unraveled
Testosterone treatment — what’s a guy to do? This therapy is under heavy scrutiny because of fears that it may increase heart disease risks. Those fears, however, may be unfounded.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.