Health News

Walking Groups: Easy Steps to Better Health
Exercise doesn't have to be complicated. Even simple walks with friends may improve your health.
Stand up for Your Health
Office workers and couch potatoes alike may need to stand up for their health — literally.
Anxiety Rx May Do Double Duty
What’s good for anxiety may also be good for fibromyalgia.
No More Ebola in One West African Country
While the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is far from over, one country is free of the virus.
Get Help for Depression in Pregnancy
Depression can take all the fun out of being a new mother. Researchers are trying to find better ways to diagnose the problem early.
These Factors Could Affect Kids' Learning
Could factors like household income affect a child's reading abilities? These seemingly unrelated factors might actually be connected.
Cut Out Pizza, Slice Kids' Calories
So that'll be a large pizza with pepperoni and sausage. Would you like to add some nutrition counseling to that?
Celiac Risk: It's Not About When Infants Start Eating Gluten
Bring on the bread. Eating gluten at a young age may not raise kids' risk of celiac disease.
What a Walk Might Do for Your Health
Couch potatoes, get up and move. Exercise — even a little bit — could help you live longer.
Vitamin D May Vanquish Colon Cancer
Mom's advice to take your vitamins could be right on target. Vitamin D — the “sunshine vitamin” — might help prevent colon cancer.