Health News

Biopsy Myth Busted
Sometimes a biopsy is just a biopsy. This cancer screening procedure didn't spread cancer cells in patients, despite a myth that it might.
A Royal Pain: Rx for Pain Lacked Research
So what’s the verdict on using opioids to treat pain? Opioids have effectively treated many patients with chronic pain — but not all of them. Bottom line: More research is needed on when to prescribe opioids.
Fighting the Blues Was a Winning Battle
When a period of feeling blue gets worse or doesn't go away, you may be depressed. Getting effective treatment can be the key to your recovery.
How Your Childhood Could Affect Your Heart Health
You may have more to thank your parents for than just your height and eye color. The way they raised you might affect your heart health as an adult.
Mental Health Rx Posed Physical Health Risks
Older adults taking newer antipsychotic medications may need to be extra wary of bumps and slips.
Too Much of a Good Thing: Some Diabetes Patients Overtreated
Like Goldilocks and her porridge, people with diabetes need their blood sugar "just right." In some cases, though, diabetes treatment for older adults with other health problems can be overly strict, which may cause blood sugar problems.
This Vaccine May Shield Infants from Rare Disease
New parents want to keep their kids happy and healthy — and one vaccine might help them do just that.
FDA Approves New Parkinson's Treatment
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new treatment for Parkinson's disease, and it came three months ahead of schedule.
Even Lighting Up Occasionally May Spark Health Concerns
Teens may have a tendency to think they're bulletproof, but even an occasional cigarette can be harmful to their health.
Going Under? Talk About Your Worries
Although most people don't have any problems receiving anesthesia, many have worries about going under. An anesthesiologist can allay many of those worries.