Health News

The Healing Power of Quitting Smoking
One more entry on the list of reasons to quit smoking: quitting may help your body heal its wounds. Many doctors, however, may not be talking about this benefit with their patients who smoke.
This Surgery Could Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Unlike diamonds, type 2 diabetes doesn't have to be forever. Weight loss surgery may help patients reverse type 2 diabetes.
'Father of Modern Gospel' Music Passes On
Andraé Crouch, 72, known as the "father of modern gospel," died Jan. 8 in the Los Angeles area after being hospitalized for a heart attack.
Hysterectomy Not Always the Only Option
Why have major surgery when a less intensive treatment option might do the trick? This complex question might be one women and their doctors need to discuss.
Wearable Health Devices Can’t Do It Alone
They might be stylish, cool and fun to use, but wearable health-tracking devices aren't likely to make much difference if wearers don't change their habits.
It's an Eyesore: Supplement Didn't Stop Cataracts
Your eyes may be the crystal-clear windows to your soul, but cataracts can make them cloudy — and selenium likely doesn't keep them clear.
Don't Make This Car Seat Mistake
Babies on board should see the world through the rear window. Many kids may be switched to forward-facing car seats too soon.
Shots May Trump Pills for Knee Arthritis Pain
They're no magic bullet, but injections might trump some pills for knee arthritis pain relief.
When Mental Health Affects Physical Health
Women who survive traumatic events may have to fight yet another enemy: an increased risk of diabetes. A healthy diet and overall lifestyle may lower that risk.
New Test May Replace Pap Smear as Initial Screen
Pap smears may be passé for some women. A new cervical cancer test may be coming into vogue.