Health News

Alcohol Often Involved in ER Visits for Prescription Abuse
Alcohol and prescription medications can both be safe in moderation or as prescribed by a doctor. But their abuse and misuse can be dangerous or even deadly, says a new study.
Parents Had Misconceptions About Concussions
For parents of young athletes, safety on the field is a top concern. But some parents may have misconceptions about concussions.
FDA Approves Rx to Control Chemo Side Effects
Friday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new oral medication to treat side effects of chemotherapy.
Blood Fats May Raise Prostate Cancer Risk
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, and cholesterol may promote its growth. Even after prostate surgery, those with high blood fat levels may have a greater risk of the cancer returning, new research suggests.
Officials to Monitor West African Travelers for Ebola After US Arrival
As the Ebola outbreak rages on in West Africa, US health officials are taking measures to keep the virus from spreading in the US. One such measure will be screening airline passengers for signs of Ebola.
CDC Reports Americans Living Longer Than Ever
Americans may be living longer than ever before. In a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, measures of life span were up and rates of death were down.
Modified Gene Therapy May Help Children With SCID
Children with SCID have a hard time fighting infections, and, sometimes, treatment for their disease makes them even sicker. But a new therapy for these kids has shown good results in fighting SCID and may prevent one serious side effect of treatment.
Bone Fragility Fractures Could Increasingly Affect Men
Weakened bones from osteoporosis can lead to hip and other fractures. Although it’s commonly thought of as a problem only aging women face, new research suggests that, because osteoporosis is underdiagnosed in men, they face a higher risk of death following a hip fracture.
Wearing Dentures Overnight Tied to Pneumonia
Dentures can help the elderly maintain a normal lifestyle and diet in spite of age-related dental health problems. But the false teeth can also pose a risk for serious illness if proper oral hygiene isn’t followed.
Dallas Sheriff's Deputy Tests Negative for Ebola
To date, health officials have not seen any spread of the Ebola virus in the US. But a patient who claims to have had contact with Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan is now showing symptoms of the virus.