Health News

Fried Foods Before Pregnancy Tied to Gestational Diabetes
Fried food has long been tied to heart disease and high cholesterol. Now, women thinking about having a baby may have one more reason to avoid foods fried in oil or fat.
Heart Problems May Start Early on in Schizophrenia
A mental illness can affect almost every part of life — including heart health, say the authors of a new study.
Healthy Habits May Be Strike Against Stroke
Every year, more women than men have strokes, according to the National Stroke Association. Healthy lifestyle choices like eating right and exercise, however, may keep stroke at bay.
Eating Healthy May Be More Expensive
Despite the connection between diet and health, not everyone buys healthy food. One barrier to eating healthy may be hard for some to overcome.
Nursing Home Infection Rates Rose
As people age, nursing homes are often a good option for around-the-clock care. But new research found that nursing home patients faced an increasing risk for infections.
Prehabilitation Could Help Knee and Hip Replacement Patients Recover
With the number of total knee and hip replacements on the rise, doctors are looking for ways to reduce the amount of care needed after surgery. Prehabilitation (physical therapy before surgery) could help patients recover faster and save money.
Researchers Find Possible Link Between Tobacco and Oral HPV
Smoking has been tied to health issues of all types. Now, smokers might have another reason to kick the habit — oral human papillomavirus (HPV).
20 Years of Marijuana Research Summarized in New Report
States across the US continue to debate the merits of allowing medicinal and, in some cases, recreational marijuana use. Yet there’s still uncertainty about the long-term health impacts of cannabis.
Prenatal BPA Exposure Linked to Wheeze
Asthma rates of children in the US have risen steadily over the past 30 years, but specific causes for the increase have remained unclear.
Mental Health Issues in Cancer Patients Differed By Cancer Type
Living with cancer can be more than a physical battle. For some patients, the disease can be a mental challenge as well. It seems some types of cancers may be tied to a heavier mental burden than others.