Health News

Dealing with the Boston Bombing's Aftershocks
The Boston Marathon bombing led to a large-scale manhunt rarely seen in the US. Hundreds of families were required to shelter in place while it continued.
E-Cigs on the Airwaves
One of the reasons cigarette TV commercials left the airwaves was their market appeal to youth. It's unclear whether that may be the fate of e-cigarettes as well.
Speaking More Than One Language May Help the Brain
There's a common expression: "It’s never too late to learn." When it comes to the benefits of learning another language, this expression seems to hold true.
Preventing One Million Heart Attacks and Strokes
What would it take to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes before 2017?
Number of Cancer Survivors Expected to Grow by Millions
As the US population gets older, more people are getting diagnosed with cancer. But more people are also surviving cancer. Getting a clearer picture of the future number of cancer survivors may help the healthcare community better serve these patients.
Big but Fit? Don’t Count on It
Although obesity is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, some heavy people seem immune. Those considered “healthy” obese, however, may face health troubles down the line.
Rare Type of Skin Cancer More Likely to Recur
The skin cancer melanoma comes in a variety of forms. One rare form of this cancer, called acral melanoma, may do something that other melanomas don't do.
One Breath May Show Signs of Lung Cancer
Cancer screening can be costly and invasive, and it often catches the disease in advanced stages. What if cancer screening was as simple as blowing up a balloon?
The Riskiest Times for Surgery
A successful surgery depends on a combination of factors, such as skilled doctors, quality equipment and hospital location. Unfortunately, some other factors may often get overlooked.
The Changing Face of Heroin Abusers
In recent years, pharmaceutical companies have put safeguards on medications to make it harder to abuse certain prescription painkillers. But those changes may be leading some to use illegal drugs.