Health News

Vitamin C Eased the Wheeze of Pregnant Smokers' Babies
What's good for moms-to-be tends to be good for their unborn children. What's not good for mom, like smoking tobacco, also tends not to be good for babies. There may be an easy way to undo some of the damage.
Female Smokers Had Highest Risk for Brain Aneurysm Rupture
Departing from previous research findings, a new study suggests that the size of a brain aneurysm is not the most important factor used to predict a rupture.
Ebola Cases Spread to Sierra Leone
An outbreak of Ebola in Africa had been showing signs of slowing, but now reports say the virus has spread into a new country.
Vitamin D Didn't Improve Asthma
Asthma can worsen as warmer weather produces more irritating pollens. It’s previously been suggested that vitamin D supplements might relieve asthma symptoms and prevent attacks, but that may not be true.
Breast Cancer Death Risk May Be Higher for Some Obese Women
Shifting female hormones can affect wellness and disease alike. Breast cancer, a disease influenced by hormones, also may be affected by women’s body size.
Chest Scans May Spot Signs of Heart Disease
Chest CT scans are a type of x-ray often used to investigate lung symptoms, such as shortness of breath or chest pain. They may also be a good way to detect signs of heart disease.
PMS Didn't Predict Hot Flashes During Menopause
Since premenstrual symptoms often seem similar to menopausal symptoms, many women with premenstrual symptoms worry that they'll have an uncomfortable menopause, and particularly that they'll have hot flashes.
Obesity Drives Canada’s Cardiovascular Disease
Health advocates worldwide have aimed to cut rates of heart disease and the disorders that trigger it. After a half-century of documented progress on that front, Canadian researchers project a change in the root causes of heart disease in that nation.
Guidelines Issued for Drug Testing in Teens
The teenage years are a common time for experimentation, which can include experimenting with alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
Adequate Iodine Essential for Moms
Taking prenatal vitamins is important for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. But even these supplements may not give women enough iodine.