Health News

Weight Loss Always Counts for Heart Health
Even after losing weight, many people end up gaining it back later. Does that time spent at a lower weight still come with health benefits?
Obesity Outweighed Genetics as Diabetes Risk
Some people have genes that make them more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Weight loss, however, may be the most effective way to lower diabetes risk, regardless of genetic risk.
Heavy Moms Had More Babies with Breathing Issues
Pregnant women who are severely overweight may face a number of risks to their own health. But it's not only these heavy mothers who are put at risk; that extra weight also may be harmful to their baby.
Two-Thirds of Americans May Carry HPV
Humans are teeming with viruses and bacteria, both good and bad. It seems one such invader — the human papillomavirus (HPV) — may be infecting many of us.
Injectable Schizophrenia Medications: The Old vs the New
Schizophrenia can be treated with oral or injectable medications. The injections last longer and may help to keep patients from stopping treatment. But it's still unclear if newer injectable medications work better than the older ones.
Exercise Can Lift Lives of Stroke Survivors
Although a stroke can limit a person’s ability to move, many who have had a stroke can still join in physical activities. Exercise can improve their fitness and prevent stroke from recurring.
Osteoarthritis Patients May Not Benefit From Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a commonly recommended treatment for patients with osteoarthritis. Yet, new research questions whether it does much good for patients with painful hip osteoarthritis.
Antibiotics Overused for Acute Bronchitis
Antibiotics can be very effective and powerful when treating certain illnesses. However, they can be useless and even harmful when overused.
Personalized Treatment for Lung Cancer Increased Survival
What if cancer chemotherapy could be customized for each patient's tumor? This individualized treatment may become a reality, as researchers test tumors for their genes and choose medications that work best based on those genes.
Link Between Sleep Apnea and Stroke Same for Both Genders
Stroke is a risk that comes with having sleep apnea. While certain health disorders may affect men and women differently, sleep apnea may not be one of those disorders.