Health News

Worldwide Polio Spread Causing Concern
Some diseases that have been largely eradicated in the US still present big threats on a global scale. This is the case for polio, health officials warned this week.
Testosterone Levels Tied to Prostate Cancer Progression
In some prostate cancer patients, the disease is closely watched, rather than actively treated. A new study suggested that testosterone levels seen during this monitoring may hint at cancer progress. 
Getting the Full Picture with ADHD
One of the challenges of identifying and treating children with mental health conditions is figuring out what symptoms are related to the condition. This is especially true with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
Sports and Energy Drinks Too Popular with Teens
Teens are known to love soda, but they may be consuming other sugar-filled beverages these days, and ones that should also be avoided.
Gender May Affect Concussion Recovery Time
Sports injuries, car crashes and other accidents can lead to blows to the head that result in concussion. And some patients seem to have concussion symptoms that last longer than others.
Obesity While Young May Boost Obesity Risk Later
Obesity has become a problem among Americans of all ages, including young adults. If these young obese people don't lose weight, they could be putting themselves at risk for a host of health problems as the years go by. 
No Signs of Spread as MERS Patient Recovers
The first MERS patient in the US was discovered late last week, to much concern from health officials and the public. But no further signs of the virus' spread have been seen in the US.
Weight Loss Surgery Improved Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a growing problem in the United States as obesity rates continue to grow. Now, researchers think they have found a great way to treat this liver condition.
Promising Rx for Heart Disease Didn't Deliver
Drug trials exist for a reason — so researchers can check a medication’s effectiveness and side effects to be sure it’s safe for human consumption. Unfortunately, not all medications live up to their initial promise.
Preventing Dental Caries in Kids
From the moment your child's first tooth erupts, bacteria has the ability to cause caries, or tooth decay leading to cavities. Dental caries are actually the leading chronic disease among young children in the US.