Health News

Unhealthy Snacking in Youth Baseball
Youth sports like baseball can foster a healthy lifestyle through physical activity in children. But new research highlights a variable that could undermine the benefits of sports.
High Dose Antidepressants May Make Youth More Depressed
Antidepressants have been linked to suicidal thoughts and self-harming behaviors among children and young adults. However, it may not be medication itself that leads to these behaviors.
History of Brain Injury High Among the Homeless
Homelessness is a complex problem with many causes, often including mental illness and alcohol and drug addiction. There may be another component to homelessness shared by many.
Experts Issue Statement on Medical Marijuana
Thus far, 21 states and the District of Columbia have approved medical marijuana use to relieve symptoms of various illnesses. That substance may help some, but not all, people with brain diseases.
Calling Children Fat Won't Protect Them From Obesity
Public anti-obesity efforts often promote weight stigmatization, such as using negative language or offensive stereotypes about obesity. But this view may have detrimental effects, especially in children.
Costly Complications after Kidney Stone Removal
Procedures for kidney stone removal are generally low-risk. However, the procedure itself may not be a patient's biggest concern.
Inducing Labor Didn't Raise C-Section Risk
Twenty percent of all births are the result of labor induction. This method is often thought to increase the risk of cesarean section, but this association might be an old wives' tale.
Physical Signs of Depression May Be Common in ICU
Recovering from trauma and a lengthy ICU stay might make some people depressed. But their depression may not display itself as one might expect, a new study has found.
World Malaria Day Focuses on Progress and Problems
Thankfully, malaria has been largely eliminated in the U.S. But there is still plenty of progress to be made abroad, a fact that health officials around the world are highlighting.
Playing Games Lowered Nicotine Cravings
Quitting smoking is not easy and certainly isn’t a game, or is it? Challenging your mind with games might help with the quitting process.