Health News

Aspirin May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk for Some
Aspirin can sooth a headache and reduce the risk of heart attack. Now, a new study has looked at how it may help lower the risk of one common form of cancer.
Sugary Drinks Linked to Higher Blood Pressure
Consuming lots of sugary drinks can expand your waistline, but you may not be aware of what it also might do to your blood pressure.
New Stomach Cancer Rx Approved
Some stomach cancer patients who have gone through chemotherapy but still have not recovered from their condition may now have a new treatment option.
A Bit of Beer May Lower RA Risk
Yes we know that drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous. But drinking smaller amounts of beer may have some health benefits for women concerned with RA.
Stopping Migraines Before They Start
Nursing oneself back from a migraine is one thing. Preventing those dizzying, painful headaches from happening altogether is another matter.
Most Want Clot-Busting Rx When Stroke Strikes
When a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, medication given immediately can limit damage. Stroke victims, however, may not be able to communicate their willingness to receive such therapy.
Diamox Sharpened Vision in IIH Patients
Losing your vision is a frightening prospect and a very real threat for people with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). One medication may help these patients.
Massage Improved Blood Flow, Promoted Healing
If you need another reason to go for that lengthy, deep-muscle massage, look no further. New research suggests massage may do more than just help you relax.
Healthy Diets Reduced Diabetes Risk
Poor diet can contribute to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But which is the right diet to reduce that risk?
Reviewing the Options for Treating MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms vary widely among those with the disease. And that can complicate efforts to prescribe the right treatment for MS patients.