Health News

Inflammation Connected to Prostate Cancer
Inflamed tissue seems to play a crucial role in prostate cancer. The presence of inflamed tissue may suggest cancer, even when screening blood tests are not elevated and causing concern.
The Wide Path of a Sneeze
Germ-filled drops of liquid blow everywhere when a sneeze or cough isn't covered. Just how far those drops can blow was not known until now.
High Altitude Tied to Low Obesity
Breathing the fresh mountain air might not just be good for the psyche; that altitude may also be good for the waistline.
Curbing Serious Diabetes-Related Sickness
From stroke to lost limbs, diabetes can create a series of other sicknesses. The medical community has been focused on curbing rates of serious health problems that are linked to diabetes.
Creative De-Stressing From Work Rigors
What employees do on the job and away from it has its effects. Leisure activities that help workers detach from work for a while may affect their job performance and outlook.
No Surgery Required for Children's Appendicitis
Untreated appendicitis can have serious consequences. But surgery may not be the only option for children with appendicitis.
High Blood Pressure Can Seriously Affect Pregnancy
High blood pressure during pregnancy puts pressure on both the baby and the mom. At the moment, there has yet to be a consistent strategy for prenatal care in women with high blood pressure.
African Ebola Outbreak Continues
Health officials around the world have been watching an outbreak of Ebola in West Africa as reports of infections continue.
Imaging Tool Helped Predict Recovery from Brain Damage
The brain remains complex and elusive to clinicians, who still have difficulty determining if or when someone with a severely damaged brain will recover. Now there may be a new tool to help them.
When High Blood Pressure Mixes with Pregnancy
Chronic health conditions in women can influence the course of a woman's pregnancy. High blood pressure is one condition that presents risks to pregnant women.