Health News

Exposure to Tobacco Smoke May Contribute to Allergies
More than a third of children in the United States live with a tobacco smoker, and allergic diseases are becoming increasingly common among children. Could there be a connection?
Cholesterol Rx Users Drop Weight and Diabetes Risk
Research has shown that popular cholesterol-lowering medications may increase the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Weight control, however, may keep the diabetes away.
One Drink Max for Older Drivers
Young adults are often warned about the dangers of drinking and driving, but new research shows that the dangers may be even greater for seniors. 
Obesity and Diabetes Could Affect Cancer Treatment
Diabetes and obesity are problematic on their own, but could they also affect how the body responds to treatments for other conditions, like cancer? New studies suggest this is the case.
Weight Loss Surgery Cut Female Cancer Risks
Obesity has been linked to a host of major diseases, including cancer. For some women, weight loss surgery may be a barrier against that cancer risk.
Many Have Difficulty Hearing, Few Get Help
If you find yourself frequently asking others to repeat themselves, you may be among the many people with hearing issues. Researchers have found that while many adults have hearing problems, few do anything about it.
Weighing the Risk of Breast Cancer from Smoking
Smoking increases the risk of getting many kinds of cancers. In the case of breast cancer, smoking combined with other factors can make that risk much greater.
Obese Children Might Become Poorer Students as Teens
Childhood obesity can negatively affect a person's physical and mental health throughout life. It's possible that the condition might even be a barrier to academic and career success.   
IVF Medication Less Effective for Obese Women
Many women choose in vitro fertilization (IVF) when they have trouble getting pregnant. A recent study investigated whether obesity affects how well IVF works.
Noninvasive Colon Cancer Screening Highly Accurate
Colon cancer is a treatable form of cancer when detected early, but many at-risk adults fail to get screened. A new study looked at a highly accurate new test that may change that.