Health News

Raw Milk Not Better for Lactose Intolerance
Milk and dairy products can cause digestive problems for people who are lactose intolerant. Some people claim raw, unpasteurized milk doesn’t produce the same symptoms.
Things to Question When It Comes to Treating the Elderly
The elderly often won’t benefit from many of the procedures or tests recommended for younger folks. That's why the American Geriatrics Society has released a list of 10 therapies to carefully consider before using in the older population.
Rare Lung Infection Might Be Growing More Common
Tuberculosis is still a concern in the US, and researchers are examining a related condition that may begin to cause more trouble.
Taking Statins Without the Heart Scan
Heart scans are often ordered before doctors prescribe statin medications to reduce cholesterol. Those heart scans may not be routinely necessary, a new study suggests.
Supplements Didn’t Reduce Heart Disease in Elderly
Many people take omega-3 fatty acids to reduce their risk of heart disease. Some elderly patients may not be getting the benefit they hoped for.
Brain Scans May Be Too Common for Headaches
When headaches reoccur, patients may worry that something serious is at play. Doctors might use brain scans on these patients to look for trouble, but this practice may be overused, says a new study.
Connecting the Dots with Media and Well-Being
Limiting children's use of television is already one recommendation that pediatricians emphasize to parents. But what might it mean if kids use too much TV, computers or video games?
Trouble Breathing Linked to Trouble Thinking for Seniors
For seniors, having difficulty breathing could be a sign that other medical problems are on the horizon — problems like a decline in memory and thinking abilities.
Watching How Much Kids Watch TV
Children who spend a lot of time watching TV are more likely to be overweight, according to past research. But parents can make a difference.
Colon Cancer Rates Continue to Decline
Colon cancer remains the third most common form of cancer, but new research suggests that colon cancer screenings are helping to save lives.