Health News

Stroke Risk Up with Recent Cocaine Use
The risk of a stroke in a young, health person is usually quite low. New research shows that when cocaine is used, the risk increases greatly. 
Diabetes May Not Be Closely Tied to New Weight Gain
About eight in 10 people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. While weight is related to the condition, putting on pounds over a few years may not signal increased risk.
Lone Kidney Has Low Failure Risk
Donating a kidney can be a very generous gift, but not one without risks. However, a new study suggests that the risk of kidney failure in the remaining kidney may not be as great as was once thought.
Ultrasound on the Spot to Diagnose Appendicitis
Appendicitis is a common and serious ailment that requires immediate surgery. A new study looked at using an ultrasound to make diagnosis faster and easier without radiation exposure.
Flu Season Severe for the Unvaccinated
Though the flu strikes every year, each season can be different. Researchers behind a new study uncovered some surprising trends about this season's flu.
Statins Alone Aren't the Only Option for High Cholesterol
When unhealthy cholesterol hits very high levels, patients might take a statin medication to help reduce those levels. For those who don’t respond well to this treatment, a lower-intensity statin with another medication may help.
Where Kids Get Their Caffeine
It seems caffeinated drinks are available everywhere you look, from traditional soft drinks to energy drinks. Children and teens have noted this availability as well.
Pertussis Protection Declined Faster Without Booster Dose
The vaccine that prevents whooping cough fades earlier than expected in older children, based on recent research. But what about for babies and toddlers?
Cardiac Patients Dying Less From Heart Troubles
It seems logical that patients with heart problems would eventually die as a result of their condition, but this might not be the case today.
Mediterranean Diet Beats Low-Fat for Heart Health
Following a low-fat diet may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. A Mediterranean-style eating plan, however, may help you live longer.