Health News

Young Women's Breast Cancer Risks Up in Smoke
There are so many diseases and health conditions associated with smoking; the habit is addictive and deadly. Researchers may have added yet another disease to this growing list.
Hidden Sugars May Be Killing You
You may want to reconsider drinking that can of soda. Added sugars in processed or prepared foods and beverages are not so sweet on heart health.
Kids Who Played Sports Made Healthy Food Choices
Playing a sport is a healthy physical activity for kids, but does it promote healthy food and drink choices as well?
Women Had Tougher Time Post-Stroke
A stroke is a serious health event for anyone who experiences one. But could the recovery period be worse for women? A new study suggests that females may have a tougher time after a stroke.
How Families Share MS Risk Factors
Multiple sclerosis — a disease that affects the central nervous system — can cluster in families. How important family history is in the development of the disease was assessed in a recent study.
A Child's Heart and Mind
Certain birth defects can affect both the body and the mind. Children with heart birth defects, for example, may also have delays in their development.
Hold the Salt, Teens
It is well known that eating excess calories can lead teens to gain weight, but weight may also be related to how much salt is in a teen's diet.
The Post-Pregnancy Mistake Half of Women Make
After women give birth, many medical organizations recommend that they visit a doctor to assess any possible health risks. However, few women do.
Skin Cancer Is Color Blind: Tips on Prevention
While people of color may have a lower risk for skin cancer than others, it still poses a threat and is often found at a more advanced and deadly stage in this population.
Many Adults Not Getting Recommended Vaccines
Adults may be concerned about their children's vaccinations, but are they concerned with their own? New data from a US survey suggests that adult vaccination levels may need a boost.