Health News

Finding the Right Heart for Transplantation
Waiting for a donor’s heart can take a long time, and sometimes after transplantation, the recipient’s body rejects the new heart. A new study may have found a better way to choose a heart donor.
New Diabetes Rx Approved
Diabetes is a common condition in the US, with plenty of patients looking for different treatment options. One new option for these patients has just been approved.
How Your Expectations Can Impact Pain Relief
Your doctor prescribes pain medication that’s described as very effective. You’re given sets of pills that are labeled either as the brand name or as a placebo (sugar pill). Which do you think works better?
Longer Lives Predicted for Americans
Statisticians and health officials are constantly examining longevity and estimating length of life. These experts have now released new data on life expectancy for the US population.
Medicine to Help Mental Health Patients Quit Smoking
A cigarette habit can be hard to kick, especially for people with serious mental illnesses. Luckily, there's a medication that might make the quitting process easier.
Olive Oil and Nuts Fight Off Diabetes
To ward off diabetes, people generally avoid all-you-can eat menus. Counting calories, however, may not be such a problem for those who follow a Mediterranean diet. Which inclues olive oil and nuts.
Experimental Rx Helped Lung Cancer Patients Live for Years
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the US. Advanced lung cancers have spread to other areas of the body and are extremely tough to beat. An experimental therapy may be a game changer.
Flu Vaccine Bonus for Babies
Receiving quality prenatal care means ensuring that you protect both yourself and your unborn child from disease. One recommendation for this is getting the flu vaccine.
Eating Fiber to Prevent Diverticular Disease
Dietary fiber can be found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A recent study showed that getting enough daily fiber may help to prevent a digestive system disease.
Testing Rx Combo to Help Smokers Be Smoke Free
Smoking causes one in five deaths in the US. Varenicline and bupropion are approved to help smokers quit, but are only partly effective. Using both medications together might work better.