Health News

Quitting Smoking Lowered Risk for Cataract Removal
Smoking can contribute to the development of many health issues, including vision problems like cataracts (causes cloudy vision), but research is showing that quitting can help to lower that risk.
Black Women Had Higher Rates of High Blood Pressure
African Americans have the highest rate of high blood pressure of all racial groups, but it often goes undetected, and among this population, women are more likely to have the condition.
Psychotic Disorders and Addiction Linked
Sometimes those with mental disorders can also experience other types of physical or mental illness. One such mental illness they may be at risk for is addiction.
Weighty Problems of Post-Traumatic Stress
Trauma can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), characterized by extreme stress and anxiety. A new study has linked PTSD in women to weight gain and obesity.
Less Radical Surgery for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer patients with triple negative tumors may be harder to treat, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that radical surgery is needed.
Common Rx Could Slow Neurodegenerative Disease
Familial amyloid polyneuropathy is a very rare condition. New research shows that a relatively common medication may slow progression of the disease.
New Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines Finalized
A person’s risk of lung cancer plummets after kicking the cigarette habit. Unfortunately, the remaining risk isn’t zero. So, who should be screened for lung cancer and how often should they be screened?
Vitamin E for Alzheimer's Disease
As Alzheimer's disease becomes more prevalent, researchers are looking for new ways to treat the condition. A new study hints that a simple vitamin might help slow the disease.
Breast Cancer Post-Op Pain
Once the treatment for cancer is completed, the pain should be over, right? Not so for many breast cancer patients, according to the authors of a new European study.
Meniscus Surgery May Not Provide Additional Relief
When knee cartilage is damaged, patients often choose surgery to reduce pain and treat the symptoms. New research shows that the surgery may not be very effective.