Health News

Veggie Protein May Be Better for Kidney Disease
Protein is often associated with meat and eggs. But vegetables can contain the nutrient too, and according to a new study, perhaps in a way that is healthier for people with kidney problems.
Seeking Answers to the Gut-Brain Connection in Autism
Children with autism may experience other conditions beyond the spectrum of symptoms linked to their developmental disorder. But could those other conditions relate to their autism?
Speaking Two Languages Could Delay Dementia
¿Cómo estás? How are you? If those sentences are equally familiar to you, you may be bilingual. And that could mean good things for your aging brain.
Men With Breast Cancer Treated Differently
While breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, it’s one of the least common in men. Both sexes have similar survival rates. However, researchers have discovered major differences in treatment approaches.
Urine May Reveal Heart Risk in Young Diabetes Patients
For adults with diabetes, a urine test can spot those at risk for heart and kidney disease. The same test may also work for young people with type 1 diabetes.
Kids Get Their Empty Calories From All Over
To prevent childhood obesity, it is important to know the kinds of unhealthy foods kids may be eating. Just as important to know, though, may be where kids are getting these unhealthy foods from.
Possibly Better Way to Screen for Cervical Cancer
Traditionally, the Pap smear has been used to screen for cervical cancer. A new study has shown that there may be a better screening method for this female cancer.
Marketing Burgers and Fries Straight to Kids
Parents may try to teach their kids about healthy eating, but advertisers for unhealthy foods can also get messages straight to children. A new report out of Yale University explored the state of fast food marketing to kids.
A Breath of Fresh Air for COPD Awareness
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale - most people don't even think about this constant action. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, are usually very aware of the crucial act of breathing, and this month, the general public is being urged to become more aware as well.
One HPV Shot Might Provide Long-Term Protection
It may never be possible to find a "cure for cancer" — even better would be preventing cancer in the first place. That's what the HPV vaccine can help do.