Health News

Many Girls May Be Reaching Puberty Earlier
It might seem as though young girls are growing up faster than ever these days. But there may be some truth in that beyond just casual observations.
FDA Asks for Halt in Sales of Blood Cancer Rx
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the maker of a medication that has been used to treat two types of leukemia to stop selling that product.
Troubled Hearts for Women with Diabetes
In general, women under the age of 60 are less likely than men to get heart disease. Having diabetes, however, can be a game changer, potentially raising a woman’s heart disease risk to that of a man.
Talking About Hypertension and RA
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a higher risk for heart disease, yet research suggests that high blood pressure — a risk factor for heart disease — often goes undiagnosed in these patients. So researchers set out to see if rheumatologists were talking about high blood pressure with their patients.
Back to the Hospital Soon After Kidney Transplant
It is common for patients to be readmitted to the hospital soon after getting a kidney transplant. But it's still unclear what causes these rehospitalizations and if they can be avoided.
Five Recommendations About Skin Tests and Treatments
For people with skin, hair or nail concerns, how do you know when your treatment is the right thing for you?
More Protein, More Exercise, Better Body Composition
With all the weight loss supplements, advice books, and fad diets out there, it's hard to know what weight loss advice is based on facts. A recent article looked at several medical studies to see what works the best.
HIV Boosted Bone Fracture Risk
HIV/AIDS treatment has helped lengthen patients' lives. But as they live longer, people with HIV may have to be especially watchful for health problems related to age, including the possibility of weaker bones.
Behavior Change Fights Diabetes and Depression
Diabetes requires constant self-care, which may lead to chronic stress and depression for some patients. Behavior therapy may lead to better self-care, ease depression and improve blood sugar control.
New Findings on Pelvic Radiation
Endometrial cancer develops in the lining of the uterus. It’s the most common gynecologic cancer in women, and thankfully has a very high survival rate. Recently, researchers looked at the long-term effects of two different types of radiation therapy used to treat the disease.