Health News

Fewer Chickenpox Cases in American Houses
Chickenpox was once a disease that nearly all children caught and some children even died from. Now most children receive the chickenpox vaccine.
Growing a Baby in Dirty Air
The environment around a pregnant woman can influence a growing baby. High levels of pollution may be one thing that affects a developing baby.
Pregnancy, High Blood Pressure and Menopause
High blood pressure and menopause can both put women at potential risk for heart disease. It's possible that having high blood pressure while pregnant can affect the severity of menopause.
Why Your Arthritic Legs Can’t Stop Moving
Do you think that the urge to keep your legs moving has nothing to do with your rheumatoid arthritis? Better think again. A recent review explained a possible link between these two conditions.
Dealing with Restless Legs
Researchers don't know what causes restless legs syndrome, which causes discomfort and a compulsion to move the legs when trying to sleep. But they have identified some treatment options for those who suffer from the disorder.
Bipolar Youth at Risk for Substance Abuse?
Bipolar disorder has been previously linked with substance abuse in adolescents. It's possible that certain symptoms or behaviors can help target youth before they develop a substance use disorder.
Two New Weapons Against Thyroid Cancer
There hasn’t been much progress in the treatment of advanced thyroid cancer over the last 40 years. And there are really no treatment options for thyroid cancer involving the mutated gene called BRAF. Two new weapons offer good news on both fronts.
Skip the Spooky Eyes for Halloween
As you plan this year's Halloween costume, you may want to leave out one accessory - the pair of non-prescription contact lenses.
Hope for Restless Legs
Discomfort, difficulty sleeping and the urge to move are all symptoms of restless legs syndrome that interfere with normal life when they become severe. A new study looked at a drug t hat might relieve those symptoms.
HPV Vaccine Wards Off Warts
Cervarix, the HPV vaccine used to help prevent infection with the human papillomavirus that can lead to cervical cancer, may have an unexpected benefit.