Health News

Retired...From Taking Meds?
Retirement can be a liberating time for many people. But with this huge life transition, people's habits may change. They might even stop taking their medications as prescribed.
Sparing the Knives and the Nodes
One of the first places breast cancer spreads is to the lymph nodes closest to the tumor. Learning where the cancer has spread is important for making treatment decisions. A new review looked at the risks and benefits of various surgical means of removing lymph nodes.
Bariatric Surgery and Post-Op Pain Meds
Obesity doesn't just lead to conditions that can cause issues over time; it can also bring about daily pain in the body. This pain, often in the joints or the back, may lead some obese people to rely on certain pain medications — a topic explored in a new study.
Surviving a Cardiac Arrest
For people who suffer from cardiac arrest, a stranger's knowledge may be one of the primary factors determining their chances of survival.
Breast Cancer by the Numbers
Every other year, the American Cancer Society publishes statistics and trends about breast cancer. Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013-2014 offers some interesting insights into the current state of the disease.
Backpacks Not Blamed for Back Pain
Teens' back pain could be blamed on the heavy textbooks and homework assignments they carry to school. But there may be something else besides those heavy backpacks that's actually linked to pain and soreness in the back.
Heart Meds and Healthy Minds
Statins, a type of medication used to lower cholesterol, recently underwent some label changes. This caused some confusion about a potential association with cognition problems, including short-term memory loss.
Rx Prolongs Life...Without Pain
When cancer advances, the pain can be intense. A recently approved medicine may offer relief from both disease progression and pain.
Cholesterol Rx May Benefit Bypass Surgery
To reduce “bad” cholesterol, patients commonly take medications called statins. Receiving this treatment before bypass surgery may reduce the risk of post-surgery complications.
Primary Care Doctor Visits Save Lives
Research has shown that screening cuts the incidence of colorectal cancer. And folks who visit their doctors regularly are more likely to learn about and be referred for colorectal cancer screening. Do these two facts save lives?