Health News

Social Sites Support Quitting Smokers
Quitting smoking is a challenge for most people. But getting involved with a smoking cessation group online may help support folks as they try to kick the habit.
Blood Clots in Cancer Surgery Patients
One of the things doctors look for after surgery is the possibility of blood clots forming. Most cancer surgery patients have a high risk of blood clots. Head and neck cancer surgery patients were believed to be at low risk for blood clots. New research suggests otherwise.
Of Movement and the Mind
Children with autism develop at different rates and often in different ways than children without autism. There may be links between their motor skills and their development.
Did Your Doc Get a Flu Shot?
Doctors often tell their patients to get the flu shot. But how many healthcare professionals are taking that step themselves?
For Pre-Diabetes, Being Fit Beats Being Thin
When it comes to improving health in people with pre-diabetes, fitness may matter more than fatness. In fact, a heavy person who is fit may have just as good a chance of survival as a normal weight person who is fit.
Antipsychotic Medication Isn't Always the Answer
Psychiatric medication may be unnecessarily prescribed. How do you know when a treatment option is right for you?
UNAIDS Releases HIV Progress Report
HIV/AIDS has affected millions of people around the world for the past few decades. And now it's in steady decline.
Fibroids Found To Be Different for African Americans
Women's quality of life can be heavily impacted by uterine issues. And African-American women could be especially affected.
The Rising Tide of West Nile
Cases of West Nile virus have been steadily developing across the country this year, continuing even as fall approaches. This mosquito-spread disease has now caused infections in nearly every US state during 2013.
Startling Cancer Trends Among Young People
Cancer is generally a disease of an aging population. Cancer risks typically start to increase around the age of 50. But recent trends signal an alarming jump in a certain type of cancer among people under the age of 45.