Health News

Snoring May Sound Alarm for Kidney Failure
Loud, ongoing snoring may not only be annoying; it also could be a sign of sleep apnea. In diabetes patients, the condition may lead to many health problems, including complete kidney failure.
Saving Memories During Cancer Therapy
When cancer spreads to the brain, radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. The whole brain is treated with radiation. And while this treatment prolongs life, mental function is affected. A new study looked at a technique that may save memories.
Are Fish and Nuts Really Brain Boosters?
There has been talk for years that certain "brain foods" might help fend off dementia. Nuts and fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are two of these supposed "brain foods."
Where Teens Get Smokes and Booze
It’s illegal to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors, but many underage youths get ahold of these substances anyway. It may be that friends and family are providing access.
Shorter, Better Prostate Cancer Treatment
Testosterone is the powerful male hormone that gives a man his manly characteristics. Testosterone also feeds prostate cancer. So blocking or suppressing the activity of this hormone is usually part of prostate cancer treatment.
A Bit of Shut-Eye Boosted Learning
Most parents know it's going to be a rough evening if their preschooler skipped their regular nap. But those naps may help their children in other ways besides behavior.
A Global Look at Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia, are conditions that affect people all over the world. A new report took a closer look at the actual global impact of Alzheimer's.
Some Hormone Therapies May Be Less Risky
To treat severe hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, women may receive hormone replacement therapy. Some approaches, however, may pose lower heart risks than others.
Kidney Problems after Childhood Cancer
Children diagnosed with cancer are living longer than ever, thanks to powerfully effective treatments. Some of these treatments, though, can cause health problems later in life.
Celebrate Women's Health Day by Getting Fit
September 25 is National Women's Health and Fitness Day. There's no better time to start eating right, exercising and taking charge of your health.