Health News

Recognizing Heart Risks in Black Women
While death rates for men with heart disease have dropped over the years, the same cannot be said for women. Among females, black women especially have seen even less progress.
Which Pill is Best?
Birth control pills are some of the most common medications prescribed in the United States. Therefore, it is important to know about the different risks that different pills have.
Relief for Chronic Constipation
For individuals who experience chronic constipation, it can be a challenge to find an effective treatment out of the many options available. A recently published review points to some treatments that may work.
Water Supply Worries
Health officials in Louisiana are warning residents about a rare but serious threat — a dangerous ameba in the water supply.
Young Women Can Save a Breast
You may recall that Angelina Jolie recently had a double mastectomy to reduce her risks of developing breast cancer. Researchers have discovered that young women are opting for similar operations to protect themselves.
Soothing Cigarette Habit Hard to Break
Many smokers will say that their habit soothes them, even if they are trying to quit. Depression is one problem from which some smokers are seeking relief.
Kids' Food Allergy Care Costs Add Up
Having a child with a medical condition can often take an emotional toll on families. Yet these medical conditions can also take a significant financial toll as well.
Melanoma: It’s an Epidemic
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. And melanoma is the gravest form of skin cancer. Investigators recently reviewed trends relating to the incidence and outcomes of melanoma.
Teens Doubling and Tripling Their Alcohol Intake
Concerns about teenage alcohol use have existed for a long time — and with good reason. But it may surprise some people to learn just how much some high school students drink.
No Chest Pain, No Problem?
For people experiencing heart problems, a quick and accurate diagnosis, which usually relies on the presence of chest pain symptoms, is essential for receiving the necessary treatment. However, some people don't experience chest pain when they have heart health issues.