Health News

Coffee and Fewer Carbs Cut Cancer Risks
A new report has found that most women could cross endometrial cancer off their list of worries. Scientists discovered a prevention strategy that’s simple, but far from easy. What’s the formula?
Electronic Cigarettes or the Patch?
Electronic cigarettes have become very popular lately. But will they help you quit smoking?
Have a Coffee, Hold the Heart Worries
Coffee drinkers take heart. While caffeine has been linked by some to heart troubles, consuming coffee did not appear to trigger an irregular heart rhythm.
Orthopedists Name Needless Kinds of Care
Knowing which medical treatments are needed and which aren't plays an important role in personal wellness and in creating an efficient healthcare system. Now, individuals with arthritis and other difficulties getting around have a shortlist of procedures many of them can do without.
Saliva Sneaks Through Efforts to Block Cough
It is generally regarded as common courtesy to cover one's mouth when coughing or sneezing. The reasoning tends to be that covering one's mouth helps prevent germs from spreading. But a recent study has undermined this commonly held belief.
Therapy Over Meds for OCD
For people with OCD, the compulsive rituals that characterize their condition can be frustrating and even disabling. So, the goal of treatment is to reduce or even stop those rituals. 
A Link Between Migraines and Your Waistline?
The link between being overweight or obese and other health issues is clearly established for conditions like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. But a person's weight may be related to migraines as well.
Irritability and Depression Could Mean Something More
Most people feel angry or irritable at times, but frequent and severe irritability in the setting of someone with depression could mean that person may have a harder road to travel.
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
How Your Race and Your Job Interact with Sleep
It's no surprise that a person's career can influence how much sleep they regularly get. But the influence of a person's job on their sleep might vary based on their race.