Health News

Mold in Yogurt Tied to Illness
People across the country might want to check their fridge after hearing this news: Chobani Greek Yogurt is voluntarily recalling many products after reports of issues relating to mold.
Soil Spores and Fungal Infections
Dirt does more than stain your clothes and carpets; it also can carry some harmful substances, including things that can lead to disease. New reserach traced  cases of a rare infection caused by a type of fungus found in soil.
Radiation on Whole or Part of Breast?
After a lumpectomy (removal of breast tumor), breast cancer patients usually have radiation therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells. There are two main types of radiation therapy — one that treats the whole breast and one that treats part of the breast. Which is more effective?
Understanding How Cerebral Palsy Occurs
Children with cerebral palsy can live full lives and often do not experience any intellectual disability. Researchers are still eager, however, to understand the risk factors for this movement disorder.
Menopause Is Not a Disease
Every woman will experience menopause. However, the public, doctors and even women themselves often view menopause as a disability.
Are New COPD Inhalers Safe?
For people with lung problems like COPD, taking a deep breath can be difficult without the help of an inhaler. But are those inhalers always safe?
Decades After Endometrial Cancer
Cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, is the most common female reproductive cancer. Fortunately, survival rates for endometrial cancer are outstanding. Recent research looked at how treatment affects the lifespan of endometrial cancer survivors.
Raising Awareness of Sickle Cell
Sickle cell disease is a public health concern in the US and worldwide. There is no easy cure, but patients can live normal and productive lives with prompt detection and the right treatment.
Thousands of Americans Kicking the Habit
Quitting smoking can be one of the best decisions a person can make, but convincing someone to kick the habit can be hard. A national campaign has figured out some new ways to approach the problem.
A Positive Attitude Lifts the Heart
Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking. Patients with cardiovascular disease who keep up a sunny view may increase physical activity and add years to their lives.