Health News

Foster Children and Orphans Facing Fetal Disorders
Children not living with biological or adopted parents often already face greater challenges than other children. But events before their birth may add to those challenges.
Working Out Development for Cerebral Palsy
All children develop at different rates even if there are "averages" that exist for the typical child. Children with disabilities may vary even more in their development.
Another Risk Factor for Teen Suicide
There is no research showing that it's possible to successfully "prevent" suicides. But, it is possible to know risk factors so that people can get help, potentially reducing the chance they will attempt suicide.
Should Mammography Start Earlier?
While breast cancer survival has increased impressively over the past several decades, nearly 40,000 women — including women younger than age 50 — will lose their lives to the disease this year. Could screening have saved some of these lives?
Young Americans Making Better Choices
Using prescription medications for non-medical use has become a real problem in the US. Fortunately, young adults have been backing away from this type of abuse.
Dengue Counts Rise in Florida
While dengue fever is not an uncommon condition in the world, it is a very rare condition to develop while inside the US. But several cases of locally-acquired dengue fever have been discovered in Florida, and case numbers rose this week.
Parents-as-Drill Sergeants Not the Best Choice
A fair amount of study has been spent on whether spanking children can cause them any long-term harm. But what about lots of yelling at children?
Raising Awareness for Recovery
September is National Recovery Month, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). There's no better time to talk about treatment for addiction and mental illness.
Humpty Dumpty Might Have Been Stressed
Individuals' mental health can affect their physical health in ways they might not even realize. Even a person's risk of an accident may be related to mental health.
How Does HIV Affect Menopause?
Recent advances in HIV treatment have allowed more HIV-infected women to live through and past menopause. But not much is known about the effects of HIV on menopause.