Health News

Dabigatran a Danger for Mechanical Valves?
Some patients with weak heart valves opt to get an artificial valve to improve heart function. These valves require lifelong anticlotting medication, but some medications may be more effective than others.
September is Whole Grains Month
In honor of September being Whole Grains Month, the Whole Grains Council is urging people to add more whole grains to their diets.
Working Out Now to Help the Brain Later
The benefits to exercising can be immediate. More energy and better sleep are two. While fitness has immediate effects on the body now, fitness as a young adult can also impact the body down the line, particularly where the brain is concerned.
Facebook Friends May Foster Risky Behavior
In the age of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, peer pressure can take on a whole new meaning. Kids might be influenced by friends at school and social events — or by what they see posted online.
Mama, Mama, How Does Your Belly Grow?
Nearly all women gain weight during their pregnancy. This is normal and expected since they're growing a little human inside. But gaining too much or too little can present risks.
Fewer Heart Attacks After Kicking the Habit
Smoking is hard on a person’s heart. Fortunately, quitting smoking can help people live longer, heart-healthier lives.
Superior Swallowing for Cancer Patients
You probably don’t think much about the simple function of swallowing your food. You do it naturally. However, head and neck cancer patients frequently have a lot of trouble swallowing during and after treatment. A recent study found a successful strategy for overcoming these problems.
Improve Your Vision, Extend Your Life
Getting cataract surgery to improve your vision may also help to extend your life.
Drinking Water Woes
We expect our water to be fresh, clean and hydrating. But on occasion, this all-important liquid can become contaminated and even cause outbreaks of illness.
No Rise in Heart Attack Risk from Diabetes Rx
Saxagliptin helps diabetes patients control blood sugar levels. While it may not raise heart attack risk, the medication may have a negative effect on heart failure patients.